Monday, December 31, 2012


Salutations and Happy New Year!

This is just a short message to say -

To All the People who took Positive action & were awesome to their fellow man this year: Way to Go! Keep it up! Don't be discouraged - get involved, get informed - you are making a difference!

And to all the people who hosted negativity this year, and ended up bringing more strife, suffering and heartache to the world:
Please, get better. 
It's a new year. You don't have to inadvertently promote the very actions, viewpoints and reactions which inevitably conclude in your own unhappiness and spiritual death.
No way, man! You can choose to be better.Yes - just choose.
Its not always easy, but it starts there.

My New Years Resolution is to be magnanimous. Do you know what that means?  It's ok - hey... I didn't either. But ever since I looked it up a few days ago, I think about the concept and start to swoon. <3
That's some beautiful mojo, Jojo!  Wow. Who wouldn't want to swim with those fish?!!
I don't know that I have it in me, but I've seen it in others and my heart craves to wear it as my own. Magnanimous people are symmetrical souls.  Balanced. Peaceful, too.
I could use some of that.
We all could, brother.

Speaking of exemplary new beginnings, I'm pleased to announce the unveiling of Rika's Choice - a blog written by none other than the charming and delightful Rika Paprika! 
( And folks - I'm not just saying that because she's one-third of our dynamic trio! I actually believe it! )

Rika is short for "Paprika" -a nickname I gifted to this young woman after she came into the lives of Marie and I. Much like the flavoring you use in the kitchen, she's *just* a little spicy -- and tends to make a good thing even better.

But don't take take my word for it... please drop on by and see what she has to say!
You can visit her blog here: Rika's Choice  <-- clikkity, click, click right here!!
Please do so often and with good cheer. She's a really warm and loving individual, with some very interesting things to say!

Thank you.  
And if you can't be with the people you love tonight -
        - at least reach out to them and let them know that you do. 

This New Year will be a perfect opportunity to show it.

Live with fierce compassion and strive for undeniable joy,
- Charles Dashing


And now - just because I'm feeling 'magnanimous' ...hehe --yay!  Here's the 80's band Missing Persons, singing 'Words'.
Feel free to hop around and make silly. Go on... it's cool, babe. We're all friends here...  =)

Happy New Year you peoples of Earth ! 

Ted: "Something strange is afoot at the Circle-K...."

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