Tuesday, December 18, 2012

[[ 20 ]] THE 2012 ENIGMA

While I don't believe the world is ending in a few days, I have to admit... there appears to be a great deal of very strange phenomena going on. I do a fair amount of research, visiting many popular pages available via the web, but also some of the gray, lesser known sites. There's a lot of information out there, if one only dares to start looking. You have to choose to be aware.

Logically... it boils down to these options:

a. Nothing is going on, and a lot of people just have too much time on their hands
b. Something is going on. And since more people than ever have access to decent cameras - they are capturing some of these unusual events and sharing them.
c. Something is going on, and there are parties or powers who wish to hide it, control it, or manipulate it for their own rationales.
d. All of the above are true, to some extent.

Frankly, I suspect that 99% of what gets shared and captured is not supernatural or valid.
That should be reassuring, but it's not. You see... its the remaining 1% that is a concern.  

Here - walk with me and I'll take you on a short tour of some very interesting videos. Remember, I'm not claiming that all of this is 100% real. What I will say, is that ... unfortunately, its not all 100% fake.
And if you understand the implications...  you might see where this is heading.

Let's begin the tour:

[[ UFO's ]] 




[[ ??????? ]]
  1. ???????
  2. ???????
  3. ???????
  4. ???????
  5. ???????
  6. ???????
  7. ???????
I don't know what to think. I only know that...    I should

- C.D.


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