I decided to start a blog on which I could capture and share my thoughts as I proceed through this life. It seems a worthwhile enough idea... I'm not the same guy I was just three years ago. While I remember who that guy was... what he looked like and how he sounded, I have grown in some rather profound ways since that time.
I believe that personal growth is much like a stepladder. That is, by stepping up from where you were, you ascend. But that can work both ways. In order to call any movement a true "ascension", I have to believe that I actually know where I'm going.
I have to assume that, at this point - on this rung, I see exactly what should come next.
I don't always get that right, however. Like anyone, sometimes I slip and fall.
Then -- I start climbing again. My only real destination? Up.
You see - while I'm a confident guy, I'll admit that only now am I finally starting to get a grip on what's best for me. And I certainly don't know what's best for everybody else.
No one does.
No one is really sure just what direction they're moving on that ladder.
Like myself, everyone is just doing the best they can.
This is only a test.
*You Tube occasionally loads advertisements, including political ads.
Should that happen when you click the link, please know that these ads are not the work or selection of myself, nor is this a video I made - just one I thoroughly adore.
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