Sunday, February 3, 2013

[[ 29 ]] ARCHIVE - One.

While I love using Blogspot, I'm not a fan of how they choose to display archived posts. The archive tool (to the right side of this page) is bland, confusing and ultimately - doesn't encourage readers to explore previous articles. Below, I'll do my best to compensate by listing each of of my previous posts, along with a short blurb describing the contents.
BLOG LIST/ARCHIVES.  (Click on the name of the article to view that page.) 
[[ 01 ]] The Science of Why: Why I chose to create this blog.
[[ 02 ]] History Lesson: Why old arguments are no excuse for bigotry.
[[ 03 ]] My Prototype Heart: A love letter to Rika, expressing the specs on my heart.
[[ 04 ]] A MESSAGE TO MY PARENTS: They abandoned me after I chose to love More.
[[ 05 ]] Refusing the Soap: We The People are being lied to. Think about it.

[[ 06 ]]  The Time Traveller's Equation: Revising perspectives about the concept of Time.
[[ 07 ]] THE PERIODIC TABLE: The people that form the basis of my Universe.
[[ 08 ]] Epic Wins: A playful peek at the amazing capabilities of the Human spirit!
[[ 09 ]] Open: The day I met Rika's father. His love was greater than my fear of rejection.
[[ 10 ]] Malala: One day I hope to be as strong as this little girl.
-- 11, 12, 13 --  
Blogspot displays these post stacked, one above another - because I posted them on the same day. Click here to view all three postings.

(( 11 )) Google vs The New World Order:  Governments seek control of the internet.
(( 12 )) Letters - One: A series of emails, exchanged between myself, Marie and Rika.
(( 13 )) Did ANONYMOUS stop the rigging of the 2012 election?  Check it out...
[[ 14 ]] No bigamy prosecution for the Sister Wives family:  Good. They aren't criminals.
[[ 15 ]] Four Chords: A musical demonstration of how Everything is Connected!

[[ 16 ]] Open - pt II:  Marie goes to meet Rika's father with wonderful results!
[[ 17 ]]  Legacy: Family legacies & one woman's story of being disinherited.
-- 18, 19 -- (stacked on the same page) --> Click here to view both postings.
(( 18 )) Tensile Strength: Relationships can only take so much stress before breaking.
(( 19 )) A Balanced Equation: 1 + X = 1? Love means two people become one?
[[ 20 ]] The 2012 Enigma: Explore UFOs, the Illuminati & many other spooky things.
[[ 21 ]] Nopocolypse:  The End gets delayed. Again.
[[ 22 ]] Tired of Evil: I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!
[[ 23 ]] Hallelujah: Grateful sentiments from a non-religious, but highly spiritual man.
[[ 24 ]] Introducing Rika the Magnanimous: Rika's blog! My resolution to be Better +1.
[[ 25 ]] Shame: The latest on Malala & how zealots want to kill this little girl.

[[ 26 ]] This Charming Man: I love romantic movies. Not "chick-flicks" but the real thing.
[[ 27 ]] Ten Things You Might Not Know About Love:  Love isn't just an emotion.
[[ 28 ]] Cohabitate: Our differences are a perspective. Don't let them keep you from love.

-[[ Postings Quick Reference]]:

-[[ About Me ]]:

-[[ Photo Albums]]: Be sure to read the captions! (Click a pic...)

I hope you find themes of interest, guidance and inspiration in the things that I share. To me - these aren't just words. They're documentation on the insights of my life, preserved. From where I was then, to where you are now. Time Passages. 

Thank you for visiting my pages.

- Charles Dashing, The Scientist

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