Wednesday, November 28, 2012

[[ 15 ]] FOUR CHORDS

             ... is delightful! 

Axis of Awesome: 4 Chords Official Music Video

With just the same four chords all those beautiful songs -
                   ... different styles, messages and expressions.. become possible!

I suspect that EVERYTHING in the universe works this way: with the same essential core components being arranged in countless configurations! Different people will enjoy, accept or embrace different expressions of those configurations - with no one way being the only right one, even if it's more popular.

One man's Don't Stop Believin' is another man's Poker Face.
Like both or neither.. just keep searching and you're sure to find something that agrees with you!

There will always be more options than you have choices.
Find what's right for you. Sing loudly and be full of joy.

- The Scientist.

                                       -----  okokok... want a little more of that AMAZIIIIIING?   You got it!   ^   ^ ~ !

Axis of Awesome: In the Club Tonight

Generic Love Song

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

[[ 14 ]] No bigamy prosecution for Sister Wives family

No bigamy prosecution for 'Sister Wives' family

A polygamous family made famous on reality TV show "Sister Wives" will not face Utah criminal charges of bigamy, state prosecutors said on Thursday, as they sought to have a federal judge dismiss a challenge to Utah's law against multiple marriage partners.
A bigamy investigation -- centered on Kody Brown, the four women he lives with and their 17 children -- was launched by Utah County prosecutors in October 2010, shortly after the family made their lifestyle public on their show on cable network TLC. Utah County is south of Salt Lake City and had been home to the Brown family, who lived in the town of Lehi.

No charges were ever brought, but Brown and his partners -- Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn --  countered the threat of prosecution with a federal court lawsuit filed in July 2011 that contends Utah's ban on having more than one marriage partner violates the U.S. Constitution.
They argued the law bars consenting adults from living together, and criminalizes their intimate sexual relationships.
Kody Brown is only legally married to one of his four partners. 

Earlier this year, U.S. District Judge Clark Waddoups in Salt Lake City dismissed the state from the lawsuit. Utah County's portion of the lawsuit was not dismissed because the judge said the Browns continued to be at risk for criminal charges from local prosecutors.
But Utah County asked Waddoups to dismiss the case on Thursday. In supporting documents, Utah County Attorney Jeffrey Buhman said his office would not file bigamy charges, nor had an investigation found evidence of any other crimes such as child abuse and welfare fraud. 
Buhman also said his office is adopting a policy of not prosecuting polygamists for bigamy alone -- mirroring a policy held by the state attorney general's office. It is not clear when Waddoups might issue a ruling. 

Read the full article: The Clicker. TODAY show

From HBO's hit show - Big Love

Sister Wives speak out about gay marriage.
The stars of TLC’s “Sister Wives” have an unconventional marriage, so how do they feel about the issue of gay marriage?
Kody Brown, and his four wives -- Meri, Janelle, Robyn and Christine -- stopped by Access Hollywood Live on Thursday, where they shared with Billy Bush and guest co-host Lisa Rinna their thoughts on the hot button topic.
I have been able to choose and define my marriage and I think everybody should be able to do that,” Kody explained. “Choose and define who you marry, choose and define who you love.”
Read the full article: The Clicker. TODAY show

 Applying a little common sense to the word 'unnatural'. 


is it ... this?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

[[ 13 ]] Did ANONYMOUS stop 2012 Election Rigging?

They did.

Thank you, friends. 

- The Scientist

Oct 22, 2012

Nov 16, 2012

Election Night, 2012

Wiki: What is ANONYMOUS?

Note:  They did not tamper with the elections results, what they did was kept others from tampering with the election results. That, is just. That, is right. That, is patriotic. That was also the right call: turning the matter over to the officials came after they protected the people. After all, the Justice system is political too.

Speaking of Justice... where is the investigation that Karl Rove & Co. deserves?


Dig Deeper
Before you get upset at Anonymous, please educate yourself to the real problem. Watch below.
If what he was saying is real...
                                  - who should you be more afraid of, Anonymous or ..???

[[ 12 ]] LETTERS - One.

Below is a typical daily email exchange between Marie and Rika, the two women whom I share my love and life with.  Although we live together, each day the three of us communicate with one another from our separate job sites. The exchange below was chosen because it represents the general nature of our lives. In other words, the behavior you see below is the norm. 
I have hundreds of exchanges like this stored in my email box.

*Note that these communications are unedited. Only the names and email addresses have been altered. 
What do you see?

- C.D. 

On Nov 14, 2012 9:19 AM, Marie wrote:

Thank you for playing with me last night !! I really enjoyed the Kinect. You are a lot of fun and skilled at beating up the baddies!! This is a form of exercise that I actually enjoy and am glad that you are doing it with me. It means a great deal to me that you are participating and making a go of it !

I enjoyed the yoga; as well. I don’t think it is “fun” but, it does feel good to get the kinks out. Thank you for doing that with me.

Thank you both for making an effort to do the 'Marie' things! Charles is right, I do like to “run around the yard like a puppy.” I especially like to do that when my best friends are playing with me.

Love you both !!

P.S. I am not feeling well today. I might go home early. I have a bad headache and feel nauseous. I will try to stick it out until lunch and will keep you both updated.

From: Rika
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 9:23 AM
To: Marie; Charles D.
Subject: Re: Hello !!

I hope you feel better soon, M.  I can cook dinner if you point me to the recipe.  Let me know if you need anything or what I can do to help.  Love you!

On Nov 14, 2012 9:32 AM, "Marie" wrote:
Thank you darling.’ But, I don’t have a recipe this time. I was just going to make salmon. I bought a new seasoning for fish. If you could use that, that would be good. I was thinking that we could make the macaroni and cheese and carrots for sides. Does that sound good? If you don’t feel like it or if the fish is not thawed enough, we could just do the Greek food or fast food.

Thank you so much !! You always step in. You have a wonderful heart and I am a lucky girl to have you in my life.

I hope I feel better, I actually want to do some work today.


From: Rika
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 9:37 AM
To: Marie; Charles D.
Subject: RE: Hello !!

No problem.  I am happy to help, that's a part of the reason I'm here, to make your life easier. We want you feeling good and bouncing around the kitchen!  Salmon, carrots and macaroni and cheese, it is.  :)

[[ 11 ]] Google vs the New World Order

Note: At the end of the day, I still believe that Google is just another corporation. But evidence suggests that they still do their best to stand by their core values, when possible. Click here to read what the company believes: [[  Google's Ten Things ]]  
This posting is not about Google, but those who would seek to control the most powerful tool Humanity has ever produced: the internet. 
- C.D.

“A free and open world depends on a free and open Internet. Governments alone, working behind closed doors, should not direct its future. The billions of people around the globe who use the Internet should have a voice.“

 /////// Ignorance has always been the weapon of tyrants; enlightenment the salvation of the free. - Bill Richardson /////// 

What's at stake?

A free and open world depends on a free and open Internet. The Internet empowers everyone — anyone can speak, create, learn, and share. It is controlled by no one — no single organization, individual, or government. It connects the world. Today, more than two billion people are online — about a third of the planet.

But not all governments support the free and open Internet. There is a growing backlash on Internet freedom. Forty-two countries filter and censor content. In just the last two years, governments have enacted 19 new laws threatening online free expression.

Some of these governments are trying to use a closed-door meeting in December to regulate the Internet. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is bringing together regulators from around the world to re-negotiate a decades-old communications treaty.

Proposed changes to the treaty could increase censorship and threaten innovation. Some proposals could permit governments to censor legitimate speech — or even allow them to cut off Internet access.

Other proposals would require services like YouTube, Facebook, and Skype to pay new tolls in order to reach people across borders. This could limit access to information — particularly in emerging markets.

The ITU is the wrong place to make decisions about the future of the Internet. Only governments have a voice at the ITU. This includes governments that do not support a free and open Internet. Engineers, companies, and people that build and use the web have no vote.

The ITU is also secretive. The treaty conference and proposals are confidential.

Internet policy should work like the Internet — open and inclusive. Governments alone should not determine the future of the Internet. The billions of people around the globe that use the Internet, and the experts that build and maintain it, should be included.

For example, at the Internet Governance Forum, anyone can attend and anyone can speak — a government official has the same influence as an individual.
People around the world are standing up for freedom. Users, experts and organizations from around the world have voiced their opposition to governments regulating the Internet through the ITU.

Add your voice in support of the free and open Internet: 

“A free and open world depends on a free and open Internet. Governments alone, working behind closed doors, should not direct its future. The billions of people around the globe who use the Internet should have a voice.”

A free and open web depends on me, you , each of us.  All of us.
Please take a moment to lend your support.  Thank you.  - C.D.

[[[  Click here to be heard: Take Action   ]]]

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

[[ 10 ]] MALALA

I hope one day I can be as strong as this little girl. 

Oppression of any type, against any people or cause which only wishes to have civil equality - is wrong.  
Regardless of how it is justified - no god, nor rationales, nor morality demand this. 
Yet this type of zealotry is ultimately the result of those who think they have the right to judge and exact judgement upon others.
It is the fullest expression of intolerance for others with different ideas.

Bigots are quick to curtail the rights of others while not being willing to surrender those same freedoms for themselves. To be clear: everyone has a right to their ideas, bigots too - but to deny others the freedoms that are openly practiced in a society, is to deny fairness, reason and the greater sense of Good.

The oppression of other human beings ---  be it violent, dehumanizing, or uncivil – is more of a sin than anything ever done in offense to anyone’s god. Despite all the nonsense, society is not being torn to shreds by women, minorities, Republicans, hippies, gays or illegal aliens seeking abortions. Society is being destroyed by ideological termites who can't understand that we can all live better when we practice Reason, Fairness and Empathy.

I've been following this story of Malala for a while now. And yes -- what happened to her made me mad as hell. 

All tyrants - but especially the one's cloaked in holy robes and self-serving 'righteousness' -- while endorsing hateful policies - are plain out misguided, ignorant and often.. evil. 

- C.D.

"Lock up your libraries if you like, but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind." - Virginia Woolf

"What women rightly long for is spiritual and moral initiative from a man, not spiritual and moral domination."

John Piper

To Men: Don’t blame us just because every female you’ve wanted hasn’t always responded “appropriately”.  

– signed, Women of the world.

*Comic from the brilliant and hilarious mind of Natalie Dee:



Sunday, November 18, 2012

[[ 09 ]] OPEN

Today was a good day. 

I met Rika's father... "Father Dad", and his wife, Grace.
They were genuine, respectful and compassionate -
                                          - despite not agreeing with our lifestyle.

It filled me up.


LET MY LOVE OPEN THE DOOR   [[<---Click Here ]]
Songwriters: Townshend, Peter

When people keep repeating
That you'll never fall in love
When everybody keeps retreating
But you can't seem to get enough

Let my love open the door
Let my love open the door
Let my love open the door
To your heart.

A different belief. A different message of Love. 
I don't have to agree with it in order to listen and try to understand.  

"If you think you're going to change me, forget about it. You can't.  It's too late
This is who I am.  You can take it or leave it, but this is it for me.
This is what I believe. " -  Father Dad

Saturday, November 17, 2012

[[ 08 ]] EPIC WINS

..... Time for something a little lighter!  =)

The kids have a saying "Epic Win" or "LIKE A BOSS" .. which is expressed whenever a person does something amazing, rather it be silly or truly heroic. Its all about the Positivity!

Below is one of my favorite Epic Win videos.  I particularly love the moment featured in the screen-shot below, which occurs at 4:48 min. into the video. I remember watching that heroism with my sons, and when we saw those people being so humanely powerful -- -  we turned around and hi-fived each other on the spot!  Right on.

Don't give up on Humanity just yet!  We are made of AWESOME!


---------------------------- Want more WIN?   You got it!  {{{ CLICK HERE }}}

Friday, November 16, 2012


A periodic table is a display of the chemical elements, organized on the basis of their configurations and properties. In each of our lives, the same can be said of those lives and personalities which compose our social world. As this blog is about my exploration of life equations, I should define these elements for future reference. I would do so in the simplest terms; speaking in relevance to how we are related, while avoiding any direct notation of names and details in order to protect their privacy. That respect will be maintained throughout any discussion.

The orbits of my immediate family form the protons which add positive charge and help define my perspectives. Others I would mention are also important.. as they influence the magnetic push and pull in how I relate to things. All of them give me energy - some positive, some negative.

This is perhaps where this journal truly begins; with a simple list of the people and relationships which, to great extent, make up the Universe I live in.

Marie: The Firstwife and mother of our three children. We've been married for nearly 22 years, much of that very good. She is my Alchemist, obsessed with Health, organic cooking, and managing the body through natural observance. A believer in the merits of Yoga and hard work, but also - she's very silly. My dearest old friend.
Rika:   The Newlove.  She came to Marie and I about three years ago. She is my Archivist, with a bright curious mind and a relentless need for Deeper Understanding. Rika has a gentle disposition, but also a rather mischievous rebellious truth to her. This year, I helped her find something she had lost - a voice. After all, she is my newest and dearest friend.
Kitty: Our firstborn cub. A daughter. As beautiful as the moon by morning, but at times.. confused and conflicted, in the past - easily influenced by negative personalities. But we're seeing growth in her heart as she starts to understand and address her own nature. She has the keys to figure it out, but first.. she'll need to return to her more tender side. I believe she can do it, now that she has good reason to.
Sid: Second of our sparks. A handsome young man with a mind well beyond his 19 years. He has a powerful wisdom and a thirst for reason, but lacks the experience to fully apply it. He can be rash, lazy and aggressive, but I see him tempering those aspects with time. He will be a juggernaut if he masters himself.
Kaz (Kazuma): The final of our three wishes, a mercurial boy of 14 who is just starting to define himself. He's different, preferring things both younger and older than most boys his age, but this bears a certain sweetness to it. Even so, he's highly impressionable, so we do our best to steward him carefully - for fear that negative influences will confuse what appears to be a very tender heart.

Mom: My mother, whom professes to hate me for motives of her own, these charged with raw emotion (about things that are far deeper than she and I). Still, I don't think she's ever been loved properly, for although she can be generous - she's never been tender. Nor happy, that I can recall. I suspect she needs something greater to believe in. I've no real idea what it is, only that I would give anything to help her find it. While that is unlikely, some portion of this exploration is about that possibility.
Dad: A man who is doing the best he can with what he has left to give.  He loves me, but can't. Or won't.  Even so, I see his heart - and am inspired by the things he cannot say. I know he wishes to be kind, and suspect that our estrangement bothers him, even as he does his very best to honor the choices he's made.

Mother Law: Marie's mother. She loves Marie, even if bewildered by her choices. Even so, she tries to be tolerant. She's also one of the best cooks I have ever known. And I love her hair.
Father Law: The kind of man they made back in the 50's. A wonderful musician and a hard worker.

Father Dad: Rika's father and, in ways - a kindred soul. The first time I met him, he seemed to understand me better than many who should. We connected. My hopes run high for this relationship, as he is an experienced pastor with a remarkable story of change and persecution in his own life. Between the three sets of parents, he has been the most open and forward...even while making it clear he does not approve. I respect that, and suspect that fate has compelled me to this man for a reason. And really, anymore.. I could use a father figure. Our perspectives on faith and other things differ, but Rika speaks highly of his depth for compassion before dogma. I have seen this from him, and it renewed my faith in a parent's love..
Grace: Rika's Stepmother. I liked her right off the bat! Smart and sassy, but also... generous and honest in the telling. Compassionate. I look forward to getting to know her.
Faith: Rika's birth mother: While we've yet to meet, I was encouraged by her recent actions. She's a deeply religious woman who recently surprised us when she responded to news of the relationship with relative calm and moderation.  This was unexpected.  It is entirely possible that we will become friends. I hope so.
Our genuine care for Rika and one another is only frightening to those who won't examine it directly.

Dr J: my best male friend. This guys has been through a lot, some of it self-inflicted, but not all. Still, he tries. I love his humility and patience and am trying to absorb similar traits when around him.
Steph:  Dr J's girlfriend and fiance. Soft spoken and warm. We really like her.
Crimsy: An old friend with a brilliant mind. Always trying to do better, even when life doesn't always work with her.
Wenni: You don't have to meet someone to know them. Wenni and I have never met face-to-face, but I've always held great regard for her depth and love of life. She's a princess in a threadbare dress, stained with motor oil and sweat. But that heart makes her royalty, even so.
Renee: a childhood pal whom I will always care for, even though we don't see one another anymore. But... what can you do? She's a papercut valentine and I care about her enough to fold. So we forgave and move on.
Seven: fringe to my world, yet still we remain connected. We don't hang out often, but I think we share some key perspectives about life. Also, super-binary smart. A little sad though? I wish we could help. There's a remarkable human being beneath her fragile, cellular skin.

Isa: The Canadian kid. We've been friends online since she was still in school. Now 22, we have shared some awesome adventures together. Cool parents. A dreamwalker who inspires my creative side.
Shandy and Mr Tall: Part of the set I met with Isa, she and her husband are also poly people. While they might protest, I'd label them Wonderful, Smart, Hypercreative Modern Hippies. Adored. They started on their search for a significant other even before being married. I wish Marie and I had been so aware...we fell into it backwards. These kids have it right.

*Incidentally, Marie, Rika and I are out to all of the people in two previous categories.

Coco: My estranged brother. I think we could have been good friends, had we lived in the same city. Unfortunately, it didn't happen and we're both too self-involved to keep in touch. He's a great martial artist. I wish I knew what kind of man he turned out to be.
Boyfriend:  Kitty's fiance. A reformed young man who's trying to establish a new name for himself as an adult. Not a bad guy, but I suspect he lets poor habits and her negative ways override his good sense? They could help each other - but its going to take some time before they fully understand how.
Rika's Daughter - Currently serving in the Air Force.
Rika's Son - Currently serving in the Air Force.

That's the sum of it.
If I happen to share this blog with you, you can feel free to respond - but do yourself a favor and don't use my real name or your own, or else I'll be forced to remove your posting. Thanks.

Its funny...  I really don't believe that things people think separate us are a reality.
Yet -- I hold that the things that connect us are very, very concrete indeed.

These relations exists, even if some of these people would rather they didn't.
Science is about facts.
Learning to better comprehend and appreciate the facts which govern our choices is the focus of this discussion.


For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love. 
- Carl Sagan 

Anytime you push anything away, it's still there.  Chances are, if you don't try to resolve it by being loving, you're being awful. Likely, more awful than you know.  - Anon.

I’m going to try to heal my parents and save my family. This, done through the non-confrontational allowances a blog affords one – a voice, without the need to shout.
- The Scientist

Hear me now.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012


In my efforts to actualize the benefits of linear time, I have formed the following equation:  

If you live in the past, you will die slowly – and long before your body touches the ground.

It is a choice.

Perspectives on What Was need not control the fate of What Is,
because knowledge about What Is, lives in the Now.
Hope for what can Be, the Future.

Having a negative attitude about any of these times in your life, affects each of them.
Having a positive attitude about any one of them however, specifically affects the Now.
That is the secret: what you choose Now – can reach forward or backwards in time.
It can affect Change, and Change is a truth for all living things. 
  • Relentless thirst for Universal Truth- is a key. 
  • Wisdom in Personal Choices- is a path.
  • Love, Growth, and Novelty- the forces of motivation.
In conclusion: by focusing on creating a positive dynamic, you not only affect your current status, but also allow yourself a more generous understanding of your past, while creating more generous options for your future.  

Anything less will inevitably amount to less.  Not just now… but potentially for all time.


There is no reason we, as adults, should not emulate this behavior.  

In general, we are communal creatures. When one demonstrates an enthusiasm for love, it creates the potential for change - in both self and others. This change can be negative if that is what you feel is pragmatic, but that is a choice in perception, not a fact. 

What is fact when it comes to sharing goodwill? What is an undeniable, universally understood truth? 
Try this: in the video below -- these people are connecting through joy. 


Hope for our species begins with individuals being willing to affect small changes for the greater good of all. 
Hope for those individuals begins with a positive outlook, which promotes a forthright love, creates positive change, and manifests curiosity for the Universal Truths which govern our mutual lives. 

In this way, we can experience inspiration in how we express our daily lives. Younger souls can experience exponential leaps in wisdom, while older ones may find themselves imbued with new vigor and drive. Instead of feeling weighted down as if these were the end of days, our spirits can return to a state of Eden ~ one rich with wonder, wisdom and all the other seeds which grow in the Garden of your Mind
We can travel in time, to unravel the injuries which limit us today, so that we can create a more generous future, tomorrow.


"Regardless of whatever model you want to use when examining the possibilities and questions of life --- one thing is certain: there’s no better feeling than love."
 - Duncan Trussell & Joe Rogan, The Duncan Trussell Family Hour podcast  [[ 9:14:12 ep.#40 ]]

]]]]]]]]]]> An Expression of Care  <[[[[[[[[[[

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Please understand;  We The People are being duped. We are fed a steady diet of poisonous things... foodstuffs, entertainment, pastimes and worst of all, ideas. These contradictions placate our hunger for sugary self-indulgence, and thus - the most familiar, comfortable toxins consume us. We've become a sick society.
Unhappy, confused and drugged -- the people prey upon themselves and one another, trained upon a constant diet of self-loathing, derision for intellect, disdain for Truth and an abhorrence for peacefully sustained individualism. 
We've been conditioned to worship bloated strength, abusive might and the cold greed of accumulation. 
Tenderness... understanding... empathy -- these things are less desired, and are seen as meek. Indeed, our ailment is insidious for it guides us to fear any remedy.

Along with my Archivist and my Alchemist, I am working on a cure for my family.
A surfeit water
I must be clear: I entertain no thoughts of anything so grandiose as saving the world. It would be enough just to aid those I am close to. It would be enough just to not feel so poisoned, slow and sick.

- C.D.

Our society is only cosmetically civil. 
When people endorse products and practices they cannot explain, chances are - they become an accessory to evil. 
Thus, they are infiltrated and conditioned to feed soap to those who would see a world safe, sane and liberated. 

"Evil has no substance of its own, but is only the defect, excess, perversion, or corruption of that which has substance."
-John Henry Newman

Its frightfully delicious!

Own the sword, control the pen?

Now boxed, for easy distribution!

Our business is people.


Mantra for the Modern Man


Creators of the Prodigal Son


Why people lack wisdom about the things they don't understand.

Do your ideas play well with others?  If not -- please raise your hand.

Freedom requires hard facts and a soft heart. Big ideas and a smaller ego. 
I do not have all the answers. I do not claim to know what's best for you, nor how to construct your health and happiness.
Instead, I am steadfast in the idea that your options should not be constrained to my ideas, the fears of others, or the values of profiteers.
- C. D. 

]]]]]]]  AND DEEPER, STILL...  [[[[[[[