Wednesday, November 21, 2012

[[ 10 ]] MALALA

I hope one day I can be as strong as this little girl. 

Oppression of any type, against any people or cause which only wishes to have civil equality - is wrong.  
Regardless of how it is justified - no god, nor rationales, nor morality demand this. 
Yet this type of zealotry is ultimately the result of those who think they have the right to judge and exact judgement upon others.
It is the fullest expression of intolerance for others with different ideas.

Bigots are quick to curtail the rights of others while not being willing to surrender those same freedoms for themselves. To be clear: everyone has a right to their ideas, bigots too - but to deny others the freedoms that are openly practiced in a society, is to deny fairness, reason and the greater sense of Good.

The oppression of other human beings ---  be it violent, dehumanizing, or uncivil – is more of a sin than anything ever done in offense to anyone’s god. Despite all the nonsense, society is not being torn to shreds by women, minorities, Republicans, hippies, gays or illegal aliens seeking abortions. Society is being destroyed by ideological termites who can't understand that we can all live better when we practice Reason, Fairness and Empathy.

I've been following this story of Malala for a while now. And yes -- what happened to her made me mad as hell. 

All tyrants - but especially the one's cloaked in holy robes and self-serving 'righteousness' -- while endorsing hateful policies - are plain out misguided, ignorant and often.. evil. 

- C.D.

"Lock up your libraries if you like, but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind." - Virginia Woolf

"What women rightly long for is spiritual and moral initiative from a man, not spiritual and moral domination."

John Piper

To Men: Don’t blame us just because every female you’ve wanted hasn’t always responded “appropriately”.  

– signed, Women of the world.

*Comic from the brilliant and hilarious mind of Natalie Dee:



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