Wednesday, November 7, 2012


In my efforts to actualize the benefits of linear time, I have formed the following equation:  

If you live in the past, you will die slowly – and long before your body touches the ground.

It is a choice.

Perspectives on What Was need not control the fate of What Is,
because knowledge about What Is, lives in the Now.
Hope for what can Be, the Future.

Having a negative attitude about any of these times in your life, affects each of them.
Having a positive attitude about any one of them however, specifically affects the Now.
That is the secret: what you choose Now – can reach forward or backwards in time.
It can affect Change, and Change is a truth for all living things. 
  • Relentless thirst for Universal Truth- is a key. 
  • Wisdom in Personal Choices- is a path.
  • Love, Growth, and Novelty- the forces of motivation.
In conclusion: by focusing on creating a positive dynamic, you not only affect your current status, but also allow yourself a more generous understanding of your past, while creating more generous options for your future.  

Anything less will inevitably amount to less.  Not just now… but potentially for all time.


There is no reason we, as adults, should not emulate this behavior.  

In general, we are communal creatures. When one demonstrates an enthusiasm for love, it creates the potential for change - in both self and others. This change can be negative if that is what you feel is pragmatic, but that is a choice in perception, not a fact. 

What is fact when it comes to sharing goodwill? What is an undeniable, universally understood truth? 
Try this: in the video below -- these people are connecting through joy. 


Hope for our species begins with individuals being willing to affect small changes for the greater good of all. 
Hope for those individuals begins with a positive outlook, which promotes a forthright love, creates positive change, and manifests curiosity for the Universal Truths which govern our mutual lives. 

In this way, we can experience inspiration in how we express our daily lives. Younger souls can experience exponential leaps in wisdom, while older ones may find themselves imbued with new vigor and drive. Instead of feeling weighted down as if these were the end of days, our spirits can return to a state of Eden ~ one rich with wonder, wisdom and all the other seeds which grow in the Garden of your Mind
We can travel in time, to unravel the injuries which limit us today, so that we can create a more generous future, tomorrow.


"Regardless of whatever model you want to use when examining the possibilities and questions of life --- one thing is certain: there’s no better feeling than love."
 - Duncan Trussell & Joe Rogan, The Duncan Trussell Family Hour podcast  [[ 9:14:12 ep.#40 ]]

]]]]]]]]]]> An Expression of Care  <[[[[[[[[[[

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