Sunday, November 25, 2012

[[ 12 ]] LETTERS - One.

Below is a typical daily email exchange between Marie and Rika, the two women whom I share my love and life with.  Although we live together, each day the three of us communicate with one another from our separate job sites. The exchange below was chosen because it represents the general nature of our lives. In other words, the behavior you see below is the norm. 
I have hundreds of exchanges like this stored in my email box.

*Note that these communications are unedited. Only the names and email addresses have been altered. 
What do you see?

- C.D. 

On Nov 14, 2012 9:19 AM, Marie wrote:

Thank you for playing with me last night !! I really enjoyed the Kinect. You are a lot of fun and skilled at beating up the baddies!! This is a form of exercise that I actually enjoy and am glad that you are doing it with me. It means a great deal to me that you are participating and making a go of it !

I enjoyed the yoga; as well. I don’t think it is “fun” but, it does feel good to get the kinks out. Thank you for doing that with me.

Thank you both for making an effort to do the 'Marie' things! Charles is right, I do like to “run around the yard like a puppy.” I especially like to do that when my best friends are playing with me.

Love you both !!

P.S. I am not feeling well today. I might go home early. I have a bad headache and feel nauseous. I will try to stick it out until lunch and will keep you both updated.

From: Rika
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 9:23 AM
To: Marie; Charles D.
Subject: Re: Hello !!

I hope you feel better soon, M.  I can cook dinner if you point me to the recipe.  Let me know if you need anything or what I can do to help.  Love you!

On Nov 14, 2012 9:32 AM, "Marie" wrote:
Thank you darling.’ But, I don’t have a recipe this time. I was just going to make salmon. I bought a new seasoning for fish. If you could use that, that would be good. I was thinking that we could make the macaroni and cheese and carrots for sides. Does that sound good? If you don’t feel like it or if the fish is not thawed enough, we could just do the Greek food or fast food.

Thank you so much !! You always step in. You have a wonderful heart and I am a lucky girl to have you in my life.

I hope I feel better, I actually want to do some work today.


From: Rika
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 9:37 AM
To: Marie; Charles D.
Subject: RE: Hello !!

No problem.  I am happy to help, that's a part of the reason I'm here, to make your life easier. We want you feeling good and bouncing around the kitchen!  Salmon, carrots and macaroni and cheese, it is.  :)

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