Saturday, November 17, 2012

[[ 08 ]] EPIC WINS

..... Time for something a little lighter!  =)

The kids have a saying "Epic Win" or "LIKE A BOSS" .. which is expressed whenever a person does something amazing, rather it be silly or truly heroic. Its all about the Positivity!

Below is one of my favorite Epic Win videos.  I particularly love the moment featured in the screen-shot below, which occurs at 4:48 min. into the video. I remember watching that heroism with my sons, and when we saw those people being so humanely powerful -- -  we turned around and hi-fived each other on the spot!  Right on.

Don't give up on Humanity just yet!  We are made of AWESOME!


---------------------------- Want more WIN?   You got it!  {{{ CLICK HERE }}}

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