Sunday, July 6, 2014

[[ 76 ]] The Proud Whopper

Social oppression creates financial opportunity. Any historically oppressed group you might think of - women, immigrants, Africans, the poor - is accompanied by crafty profiteers who benefit from the situation. While these opportunities are generally expressed in negative ways, some examples can be positive, depending upon your stance.

Even so... it still smacks of opportunism. 
Should we be surprised then when modern day corporations stick their hand in the till? Probably not. 

But I can't blame them; commercials reflect what the general population wants to consume. These corporations have sensed the change in the social climate and are responding. That's good business.  
Of course, not everyone will agree. As with the interracial Cheerios commercial from a year ago, this new Burger King ad has raised some controversy. 

Which was the point. 
( *Well, at least - one of the points$$$.)  

The rest of this article is for those who get upset by things like this. 

Hey ... listen  - - 
Don't like the 'Pride Whopper'?  Want to stop marketing campaigns like this?  
It's easy to do!

Stop trying to devalue the choices of people who don't share your same preferences
Remember, Burger King just created a burger - but it's you who created the market for it. 

Of course, you could stomp your foot and tell everyone that the traditional hamburger is the only acceptable one - and by eating any other variation, they're asking for food poisoning. You could claim that this great country was created on the notion of one patty, one piece of cheese - and that all other combinations are abominations.
You could lobby your local representatives to see to it that double cheeseburgers and veggie burgers are eliminated from the menu altogether, as they just 'ain't right'.  
Make the Big Mac and the Whopper illegal. 
Why not? 

But ....would you really be changing people's tastes? Would it truly make anyone healthier, or save America? Probably not. 

Choosing what we eat is no different than what we say, how we live or who and what we love. Whether you eat a cheeseburger every day, or have decided to become a Vegan - you made that decisionYou chose to Have It Your Way
Allowing someone else to do the same isn't a 'special right' - just an equal one. As long as you resist others having access to the same things you enjoy, expect to see marketing which makes your stomach hurt.

- C.D. 


Is this shirt offensive? 

....what about these hats?

.... then how about this shirt? 
  atcr-1-pat-bolduc-detail (1)
*Yes.... it's real.  Purchase it here:

What's the big deal?  
What's the worst that could happen when you devalue whole groups of other humans?


If you're not an opportunist who advocates the benefits of oppression,

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