Sunday, April 20, 2014

[[ 72 ]] Critically Thinking of You

bloggers who aspire to be thought leaders need to apply critical thinking to their writing
I'm going to go out on a limb here - 
              --- and just assume that you don't generally define yourself as stupid.

Would you say that you're completely ignorant?  No?  
Dumb as a sock full of nails?  Nope?  

Wonderful!   You may proceed. 

(If the answer to either of those questions was yes, that's alright too. Our world is diverse.
Here's something to entertain you: ????? 

Forgive me friends, I was being humorous with the subject - but truly, the essence of Critical Thinking is of great importance to me. 

The National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking (a non-profit organization based in Canada) defines critical thinking as "the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action." 

Sounds complicated, doesn't it? 

But Critical Thinking isn't rocket science. It's something we've all done since the time we were infants! The ability to competently evaluate the things we deal with in our daily lives is the result of demonstrable analysis and subsequent testing, even if only on a functional level. Even when we cannot discern how a thing works, we can still properly contemplate its use and value. If we fail at this however, not only are we wrong, but there may be consequences. So it's common for successful and genuine beings to process information analytically, in hopes that they are increasingly correct, functional, and capable. 

No one wants to be thought of as a lazy, irresponsible, dimwit - - but alas, that title fits some of us too well. But why and how would anyone allow themselves to become that way, when there can be such pronounced disadvantages?  Is this the result of poor role models? Were we 'sabotaged' by the system, or along our journey - did we fail to appreciate the benefits of critical thinking? 

My next few posts will center around this theme - often, as it is applied to Theism. 
That however, is just the particular tone of these videos.... but not my sole point. In the end, each individual is entitled to their personal beliefs and chosen path in life. 
How a person arrives at those conclusions however, fascinates me. 
Often, it tells a greater story. 

Let's discuss. 
- C.D. 

Please visit Rika's blog, which features a loosely related post: Rika's Choice

* Photo Credit: Picture @ top of page is from this source and an excellent article . 

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