Wednesday, April 30, 2014

[[ 73 ]] The Bowmanship of an Open Mind

* This post is related to the prior article, Critically Thinking of You. *  

[[ 73 ]]  The Bowmanship of an Open Mind

So then...

The ability to critically process information opens one to the possibility of Better Understanding. Doesn't mean that one will necessarily choose to examine all sides, no --  unfortunately ego and personality can still poison that. But if one at least embraces a motive to employ the best reasoning, that person is not trapped by their own prejudices forever. Through their own internal process and a desire for Truth ... they can still reach a conclusion which is completely free of their need for a particular outcome of perspective.

But ...what if they choose not to? What if they've determined that they already have enough facts, so they close the door to any future consideration (or even genuine discussion!) of ideas which they don't already carry?
If the truth were an archery target, how likely is it that...
        --- a person who will not allow for any adjustments is hitting the center?   

As the video implies, the person who is throwing out ideas is not necessarily wrong -- it's just that, by not asking questions, they're more likely to be wrong. By not exploring and attempting to better assess the truth of a thing, one is simply unable to do more than hurl clumsy concepts at it, in hopes that something sticks.

But that isn't love. It isn't righteous. It cannot be justice and it's truly a deficient approach for anyone who claims to seek Truth as a way of life! In fact, it's treacherous to the truth, because it is infused with human frailties, not any act of divine instruction or tenant of patience.

Questions and Consideration simply aren't a threat to the Truth.

In fact, by asking questions and even after considering all possibilities... one could still arrive at the exact same initial conclusion one held before. There's nothing which says that having MORE data will affect your findings one way or another, only that it will help to correlate your conclusion with Reality.
And that reality should be nothing less than: The Actuality which exists independent of your will to perceive it.

This is the state we refer to as Having an Open Mind. It has nothing to do with any specific regard, only the manner in which one approaches a conclusion which is as valid as possible. A good, valid conclusion is far more likely to be Reasonable, Just, Righteous and even Divine .. if that's what compels you.


Part 3 Coming Soon...

Sunday, April 20, 2014

[[ 72 ]] Critically Thinking of You

bloggers who aspire to be thought leaders need to apply critical thinking to their writing
I'm going to go out on a limb here - 
              --- and just assume that you don't generally define yourself as stupid.

Would you say that you're completely ignorant?  No?  
Dumb as a sock full of nails?  Nope?  

Wonderful!   You may proceed. 

(If the answer to either of those questions was yes, that's alright too. Our world is diverse.
Here's something to entertain you: ????? 

Forgive me friends, I was being humorous with the subject - but truly, the essence of Critical Thinking is of great importance to me. 

The National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking (a non-profit organization based in Canada) defines critical thinking as "the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action." 

Sounds complicated, doesn't it? 

But Critical Thinking isn't rocket science. It's something we've all done since the time we were infants! The ability to competently evaluate the things we deal with in our daily lives is the result of demonstrable analysis and subsequent testing, even if only on a functional level. Even when we cannot discern how a thing works, we can still properly contemplate its use and value. If we fail at this however, not only are we wrong, but there may be consequences. So it's common for successful and genuine beings to process information analytically, in hopes that they are increasingly correct, functional, and capable. 

No one wants to be thought of as a lazy, irresponsible, dimwit - - but alas, that title fits some of us too well. But why and how would anyone allow themselves to become that way, when there can be such pronounced disadvantages?  Is this the result of poor role models? Were we 'sabotaged' by the system, or along our journey - did we fail to appreciate the benefits of critical thinking? 

My next few posts will center around this theme - often, as it is applied to Theism. 
That however, is just the particular tone of these videos.... but not my sole point. In the end, each individual is entitled to their personal beliefs and chosen path in life. 
How a person arrives at those conclusions however, fascinates me. 
Often, it tells a greater story. 

Let's discuss. 
- C.D. 

Please visit Rika's blog, which features a loosely related post: Rika's Choice

* Photo Credit: Picture @ top of page is from this source and an excellent article . 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

[[ 71 ]] HAPPY

Well...  it looks like Spring is here. Finally! 

How are you?  ...  I'm good!

Life's been pretty busy, but I'm feeling upbeat and ready for it! The fact that things are going so well at home only helps with this. And over the past few months, the light-footed meetings with my parents have been warm. Receptive. 
The hug my father gave me when last we saw one another is still with me now.
And Mom is demonstrating the type of love she's never really shown. While it's not perfect- it's better. It's like she's connecting to something I've never seen from her before. At moments - it's beautiful. And for these gifts, even if they may not last -- 
I hope we are each left more whole. 

The other day Mom and I talked about the elation which prompts people to burst into dancing. Y'know - those people who are so comfortable with themselves that when a moment hits, they can just dance anywhere? 
Unfortunately... I'm not one of them. =/
The years, even when gracious...  can tighten you up. As adults, we get locked into patterns of ourselves. 
Behaviors which can weigh down your dancing feet for all the best, most responsible reasons.
The tensions of life can make you seem stiff in those moments when you should be supple and light. Yet music is one of the easiest paths to feeling lighthearted again. Something in our psychology is compelled to connect when a potent song is heard, and we cannot help but express our emotions in response. Our bodies become instruments of that emotion. Rather it be singing along, tapping a foot or drumming our fingers - Humans share this excellent ability to express our feelings through vibrant physical movement
Thus, dance as a social communication calls upon our ancestral moorings. It brings us together, spanning the barriers of age, race and belief, uniting us as beings. Infusing us with the mood of the melody.  

Mom agreed. She loves to garden, so when the weather is nice, she takes her stereo and heads out to the patio. When the music takes her over, she lets go and dances as she works ... without a care that the neighbors will see.
And that's the beauty of it: - people enjoy seeing another human being express joy.   
Anyone with a positive disposition ADORES witnessing that type of thing!  

While there will always be the frumpy, the grumpy and the Nasty Negative Ned's - - 
                 ---- the rest of us love to see others having a good time!  
We feel compersion.
And when we can, we join in! 

When you love others, you want to share your joy with them. I know this, yet in those moments - I find that my body feels clunky, tight with anxiety instead of release. It's so lame! 
The people who share their daily happiness with me are totally worth every scrap of silly adult dignity I would cling to! My displays of appreciation needn't be 'moderate' or 'casually comfortable'  - - like I'm at the office... no!  I'd rather they have every opportunity to see how EXCITED I am to have them in my life!  I want to give my all - in hopes that the time they spend with me enriches their lives as they do, mine!   

*Side NoteHey People-  never tie yourself to a person who doesn't want to give you that type of love.    -C.D.

So yeah... like the song in that video says... I want my joy to be unstoppable.
My partners deserve that! After all, I *really* like them!!  And you know what?  
I deserve it too. I want to embrace that - not in a way which celebrates my ego - but in a way which allows me to leave it behind. 

Being comfortable dancing in front of the ones I love would be a fine start. 

Mom agreed. She said " ... my advice is, go down into your family room, put on some music with a good beat and get to it.  It beats being on an exercise machine any way you look at it.".

And she's right. If you're not expressing your joy dynamically -- you're holding back from the people who love you. Those who most adore and deserve your joy. 

Thanks Mom.  I'm going to do it! 

- C.D. 
PS: Last night I revealed this yearning to the girls, letting them hear just how I wish to expand my joy for them. 
Marie immediately shared that she's wanted to take swing dance lessons with me for the longest time. Without hesitation, I apologized for my lack of insight and told her to sign us up. She jumped right into my arms and kissed me! 
Myyyyyeeaaaaah!! ~ *   

And Rika?...  she smiled and coo'd in my ear, saying our living room will do just fine...  

Happy.  < ---hidden link