Sunday, December 11, 2016

[94] Seven signs you're dealing with a toxic person

Take heed…  
Sadly, I think we all know someone that fits most of these definitions.

7 signs you’re dealing with a toxic person:

1.       In an argument, they look to inflict damage – not resolve disagreements or solve problems. Their attack isn’t leveled at your perspective or acts, but your personality. When they feel insecure, they don’t come to you to express their vulnerability; instead they come to you with anger, accusations and pre-resolved judgments (instead of pre-prepared questions).

2.       They treat everything like it’s an attack.  They don’t see nice acts as genuine, or they easily forget them when anger comes.  Nor do they handle any review of their own behavior well. They disdain even constructive criticism, and emotionally (not logically) refute opportunities for growth.  

3.       Toxic people are hell-bent on portraying you as the root of all evil. They make it about you… and won’t consider that they may need to grow, or how they might have approached things differently.  Instead, even if you’re reasonable and offer terms of compromise, they won’t allow for it – because they have emotionally invested in blame as a coping mechanism. They lack the healthy self-awareness that makes most people question themselves and acknowledge the humility of their own errors. 

4.       They tell you they love you, but they define that term through seeking your compliance (not your happiness).  From time to time, they will use that word – but it never means what it should. When you do show vulnerability, or admit things you could have done better -- they feel vindicated.  They can now talk about how much they ‘love’ you.  But only as long as you don’t question, challenge or ask them to demonstrate that love.  Should you ask the same of them, or question their previous attitudes, they revert to defensive, blaming tactics – not fair trade for your humility. 

5.       They are uncomfortable with your success, your happiness and your confidence.   They seek ways to denigrate your achievements, or to re-align the positive gains in your life… so they might be declared ill-won, fake or otherwise no good.  They don’t like seeing those around you succeed either, and perceive anyone aligned with you as ‘enemies’ (sometimes they won’t say this directly, but their actions regarding those people will often be considerably out-of-sync. A sign of underlying aggression/resentment. )  They may also try to make you feel worthless (You don’t care about me.   You’re ruthless and selfish.   You only do stuff to try to look good ) --- but tend to lack proof to substantiate these feelings.  These things are merely Emotional Accusations. Should you provide proof which conflicts with their notions, they will intentionally subvert that proof, taking their own accusations as more worthy than any evidence provided by reality.   

6.       Toxic people get distant from you when things are going well.   Sometimes, they’ll shift their attentions to other friends or family members. However – they will accuse you of being the one to cause the distance.

7.       They’re very uncomfortable openly acknowledging any intent of shared peace and unity with you.  They see any compromise as you ‘forcing your way upon them’, completely unable to acknowledge that you are conceding, as well.  They lack the intellectual and emotional maturity which allows people to discern the key difference between a compromise and a concession.   


You get the idea.

You know - when we promote a POSITIVE view of a person, the person is actually MORE likely to follow those positive labels. Think about it…
If someone tells you that you’re SO funny – it makes you want to be even MORE funny when you’re around them, right? Identities work like that: we all like to be appreciated for our best traits.  Encouraging those traits creates more of the same in us. If you tell a man that you really appreciate his loyalty – it increases the likelihood that he'll continue to earn your trust and appreciation. Being something special to someone becomes a very powerful force in how we act around people, and to some extent - how we see ourselves. 

(Everyone wants to be thought of positively; the person who denies this is a sociopath, or at the very least - emotionally immature.)  

However -- when emotional differences compel you to repeatedly declare someone a cheater, an idiot, dishonest or invalid… you erode their motive to prove otherwise. Why do that? What is the point of demonizing someone if you never intend to accept any acts which might prove otherwise? You misuse the term 'love' when you demonstrate yours through methods that deny, divide and devalue - rather than guide. Wouldn't it be more loving to build and evolve change through patience and the providence of proof? 
Keep up this negative form of care and --- over time--- the person subject to your derision will give up. Not on themselves and their choices, but on how you see them…. particularly if their actual behavior vastly differs from the negative accusations hurled at them.

When people start feeling like they’re always going to be wrong, no matter how they try to reach out or appease you – eventually, they lose the motivation to keep trying. If you’ve not responded, like-for-like, to positive cues, acts of genuine concession, acts of respect and kindness – openness – attempts at reason – and above all else, hopefulness…. then you render yourself undeserving of such attention.  

When people eventually back away from a toxic person, it’s not because they’re selfish, unwilling to try – or because they had an agenda all along. It’s because no one is obligated to keep trying to love you


Mom and Dad... 
It was no one's fault. Ever since childhood, I was designated to see the world as a better place than the one you illustrated for me. That optimism compelled me toward understandings that are intrinsically different from what you believe or will consider. I can't be sorry about that, but I regret that Love Itself was not reason enough for me to stay monochromatic - nor for you to see softer ways with which to color the interpretation of Life.  
- Your son 

*Inspiration for these thoughts:  5 signs you’re dating a toxic person   (Youtube channel Matthew Hussey)

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


21 Pilots

All my friends are heathens,
take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make
any sudden moves,
You don't know the half of the abuse

Welcome to the rooms of people
Who have rooms of people that they loved one day
Docked away
Just because we check the guns at the door
doesn't mean that our brains will change
from hand grenades
You never know the psychopath sitting next to you
You never know the murderer sitting next to you
You think how'd I get here sitting next to you
And after all I've said,
please don't forget

All my friends are heathens,
take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make
any sudden moves,
You don't know the half of the abuse

We don't deal with outsiders very well
They say newcomers have a certain smell
You have trust issues, not to mention
They say they can smell your intentions
You never know the freakshow sitting next to you
You have some weird people sitting next to you
You think how did I here, sitting next to you
But after all I've said,
please don't forget

[[ watch it....  watch it. ]] 

All my friends are heathens,
take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make
any sudden moves,
You don't know the half of the abused

All my friends are heathens, take it slow
[[ Watch it ]]
Wait for them to ask you who you know
[[ Watch it ]]
All my friends are heathens, take it slow
[[ Watch it ]]
Wait for them to ask you who you know
[[ Watch it ]]

Why'd you come you knew you should've stayed
(It's blasphemy)
I tried to warn you just to stay away
And now they're outside ready to bust
It looks like you might be one of us.

This one goes out to all my friends and anyone who is punished for sins they didn't commit, by people who believe that locking people out is 'justice'. 


In any story, the villain is the catalyst. 
The hero is willing to change or try different adaptations of a solution – but his goal is always transparent, even if imperfect. In that way, he is a one-dimensional archetype.
But the villain is the person who owns up to what he is and stands by it. He’ll do the things that are sometimes morally questionable, but he does it because it’s his nature to do it – and his nature doesn’t fluctuate.   (paraphrased) Marilyn Manson

*If you are unwilling to change, grow or work out a compromise: rest assured, regardless of what you may claim to desire - you are playing the role of the villain.  - C.D.


- what do you see?

Sunday, June 12, 2016

6.12.16. CRYING (and trying)

  1. I love this girl's heart.
  2. The tragedy in Orlando this morning... too sad to even get into. 
  3. Donated.

- From her tumblr page MACH5BOOTYSLAPPING

*Support victims of the Orlando shooting tragedy

-------> this story was amended on 6/20/16.  Please be sure to read to the bottom.  I'm so glad it worked out this way for her! To have even a little understanding is a start toward healing and acceptance.  My best regards to my friend and her parents.  - C.D. 

Equality Florida, the state’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization is collecting contributions via this GoFundMe page to support the victims of the horrific shooting at Orlando’s Pulse Nightclub.
- Mom shares dailymail post about the Orlando shooting
-  One of her friends says “God is using Muslims to clean his world”
-Mom says something to the effect of “If this is a modern day Soddom and Gommorrah, that means all sinners should be punished, including our president.”
- I make two comments, ENRAGED. I’ve never struck against any of the homophobic shit my mom says.
- Mom deletes post
- I come out to my Mom
- gets drunk forever

Amendment 6.20.16

*From  the author, herself - posted on her page:

.... which reminds me — everything went better than expected? Like, insofar as what kind of reaction I thought I would receive, definitely 10/10.

Condensing it all (and there was a bit), Mom said, “Frankly, we aren’t shocked. You and Boything have had an unusual relationship for quite a while, you being called “wifey” by one of your friends and your utter belief in homosexual love have been clues all along. We still love you, you’re still our daughter, we aren’t going to cast you out. Sweetheart, I know there are families who turn their backs on their children, but that’s a kind of hate I can’t find in my heart to enact. You are still our loving Shannon who has taken a road neither of us could have predicted.” 

I grant you, she did go on to use a lot of God-related things, and did say “ And, it’ll be a bit awkward when we get together next….and maybe have the kind of conversation we should have had years ago. I guess I just figured that you were learning right from wrong by our example and words, at the time.” which kind of upset me, but I mean… if that’s the worst she’s got, if she isn’t going to hate or ridicule me or cast me out, then… I’ve come out so, sososo much better than so many people I know and love.
Also, for all of you who sent me love and hugs and positive thoughts and vibes, I love you all so, so much. I know I didn’t respond, but all those messages absolutely buoyed me during this past week, which has been… incredibly stressful. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Monday, May 30, 2016

[[ 92 ]] Over and Over Again

In my family, we believe that our hearts are rekindled by novel experiences
Thus, each year - we try to take a vacation or two. Often nothing big, even weekend getaways provide a fine opportunity to enjoy and adventure together.

Marie, Rika and I try to mix it up... sometimes taking those trips as a family, or sometimes in pairs. Last year, the girls took a spa vacation together. This year, I'm taking trips with each of them separately. We rotate through all combinations.
The kids are grown up (one still lives at home), so depending on the circumstances, we take one, two or all of them along as well.
The point is that we change up all the time: it's organic, allowing us to constantly adjust in order to provide each other with support and space needed for re-charging.

Below is an email Marie recently wrote from work, after she and I had just returned from a short trip to Virginia Beach. There's nothing particularly remarkable about it - such language between the three of us is the norm. However the insightful mind can find some very evident details within which speak volumes about how our relationship works.

- C.D.

From: Marie 
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 10:21 AM
To: (Rika & Charles)
Subject: Hello everybody 

Good Monday Morning !!

What a week off ! It was great to go on vacation and take a break from the ‘every day.’ Charles, you were sweet and cute all the time. I enjoyed our little vaca. You are a good partner; even when times weren’t perfect you make the best of the situation. Love that about us ! The joking around is the best medicine. Teasing you is so much fun ! I would do this over again and again… in every life. 

Rika; thank you so much for the motivation in getting stuff done ! It really helps me feel better when things are in order. I only have one more thing to organize in my room; then I am done for the moment. But, we all know that I will find something else, lol.  Speaking of which; is it okay if I schedule the Salvation Army for 5/12, when you’re home? Unless, you aren’t able to do that day. We’ll figure it out.

I was thinking about the kitchen. I am not feeling the mosaic. I will find another use for the tile we purchased. Maybe the bathrooms? I would like to just get the “real mosaic” and pay the price. While I think the fake stuff is okay, it would look so much better if it was real. We will not be doing the work for that. Hired help will happen….also for the flooring. Anyhow, just an idea. We can talk about it later. Not a hurry.

Thank you both for sharing the beautiful emails you wrote to your moms ! Great job !

Also, Charles…. please go ahead and get the music you want. I will transfer some money from Kemba to make sure we have the funds. You can spend up to $100. I would love to get all the Prince music I can ! I forgot how much I enjoy his music. Thank you for doing that. I will take care of the transfer tomorrow morning. In regards to your bonus. Please feel free to take that money out on Friday.

I told Charles yesterday that I am trying to do all my studying Sunday – Thursday. That way I have Friday and Saturday off. This class if very time-intensive. But, I do think I am going to learn a bunch. I just need to stay on task and not procrastinate like I did last semester. This is the information that I need to know, so it’s important. I will be enjoying my weekends with my buddies ! I hope you can keep Fridays open. Miss that time with you.

Keep your Saturday clear.  

Off to work
- M.


SO THEN.... sorry we've been busy! Rika too.  Its been a while since our last articles, we know.

But really - this was just a thing, written so that people who don't get it.. might? At least there was an effort to explain. At this point, I've pretty much moved on... recognizing that some people in your life don't love you, they love their agendas for you.  By the time I was ten, I knew my life was my own --  and I started demonstrating that relentlessly. So I guess I was bound to upset somebody somewhere.  
I'm just sorry how it went down.  
But...  I accept it. 

And really, I'm not sad - as the greater truth remains:  I'm happy with the people I was meant to be with
I choose them, because we share an understanding of the heart. I wasn't put here to make other people happy about their own life choices, only to work with my partners on our own shared experience. 

This is my 92nd article. This blog will go to 100 entries, then -- I'm done. Moving on. 
And perhaps  -- something NEW!  Something fresh and more fun!  That's the person I am ... not this 'preachy fellow'...ugh!  That's a thing I had to do for the reasons above. But me? 
Oriented toward the Positive, the Inclusive and the Innovative. 
That's my design. 

---    Circumstance does not make a person, it reveals them.

That's right. For a person with an open mind, there is always some potential to create laughter! To find optimism and understanding in even the most peculiar situations!
I choose that. 
I choose that life. 

Like Marie says in her letter...   over and over again

- Charles Dashing.