Thursday, January 16, 2014


Once again  the big corporations and government bullies are trying to leash the internet.
SOPA be damned. Anymore - it seems like the greatest threat to American freedom is the American government and the Corporate whores that sleep with them.

Put simply: lobbyists for the big cable companies have managed to 'influence' legislation which allows internet service providers to throttle bandwidth (and more), favoring those who pay big dollars for priority access. 
So if you’re visiting MSN or – you’ll be fine. Perhaps not terribly well informed, but still able to spoon feed fast and easy.  
However, if you’re digging around in the back alleyways and small watering holes of the internet for the non-sponsored stuff, as I like to do --- you might be slowed down. Hung up. 

Or …shut off altogether. Unable to access. 
Not right away, but never think that’s not the plan.  It is.

Brother, when a man’s slated to die of dehydration... thirst is the first sign that he’s in trouble.
Get thirsty enough and you’ll drink whatever they pour down your throat, America.

‘Net Neutrality” is the term designated for those of us who feel that the internet should remain as it is: access is equal for everyone. 

I'm simplifying of course. 

In the video below, Lee Presser breaks it down in just three minutes. Take a look ---

So … as much as it pains me to sign another damned petition, I’m asking that you sign this one with me. Click Here to visit the petition page.

Oh … and keep in mind.  Ever since there's been an internet, it's been ‘Net Neutral’.  Yup.  
Worked out well enough, I’d say. 

So - who stands to gain from changing things now?


- C.D.

THIS would not be good --- 

Talk about trying to mislead the public and wag the dog...  
Check out the political spin on this video --- 

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