Thursday, August 22, 2013


... a concept voiced by approximately 1/2 of the internet. Take heed.
- C.D. 

Here's to the moments of INSPIRATION and EXCELLENCE which make us cry... 

.... to the acts of Kindness and Empathy which demonstrate the best in us...

... of course, the silly things - for LAUGHTER IS AN ACT OF DIVINITY...  ^__^

..... and to the majestic NUANCE of WONDER
                           ~ which allows each of us to dream up the most magnificent things. 

I know it's damaged and imperfect, but truly... 
            - this world is full of Hope and Possibility. 

                                                     KEEP CALM AND DO GOOD .

In Love with Life,

PS: An extra shout out to my dear old friend, whom I no longer see... but will always feel connected to. That last video is for you, who first inspired me to wonder and dream aloud when I was just a boy…
I will ever see some portion of the world through your wood brown eyes & your ever~Elven heart.

Click to learn more about the Life Vest Inside Organization. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

[[ 48 ]] Vacation to Holland

Visited Holland, MICHIGAN a few days ago...

... lovely little sleepy town. Marinas everywhere. Nice people.
Sunny this time of year, even if a bit cool - but we had a great time!

I also got to drive a boat for the first time in my life! It was just a little speedy thing, but I was immediately in love with the ease and feel of it! Now that we've had a taste of 'watercrafting' (?) I think we're going to try jet-skiing
Hey -- it can't be all that hard, right?!

Anyhow... here are a few pics from trip. Enjoy!

- C. D.

*Not great shots, I know. Cell phone auteurs alas we are...

[[ Click to Enlarge ]]
Four chairs enjoying a lovely view.

Spacious and inviting. I sat in a different spot each day ...just because.

Boats, napping.  Shhh...

Waterway right next to the beach. Picnic anyone?

Handsome red lighthouse gazes longingly at svelte sailboat.

The definition of quaint, at night - Holland turns into Twin Peaks.
( Or... Bright Falls )

A chilly day at the beach = towel space heaven.

Shark Week denial. Don't be That Guy.

Weather station/Lego House makes emo Grandma sad.


In Holland, folks leave as people... return as boats. Thanks, Bob Evans!

George spent a long tough day holding up the cement column -- but it had to be done.
That Klondike bar just looked too delicious.

Captain's view. Go Speed Go!!!

So BRIGHT!  But what day on the lake would be complete without
the Eye of Sauron watching over you?

My teen-aged son playing like a kid in the surf.  No jokes here. Just heart.

My kite! (Looks so high up, but no... he's just a baby kite. Zoom!) 

People, waiting for the sun to set...

... Sun, waiting for the people to leave first. Shyness.

 Still, a lovely day for all

*To read a 'real' posting about our Holland adventure please visit Rika's page!
  Click HERE - thank you! 


  And finally -  this perfect song. A nod to luscious little waterfront towns, everywhere.
Thank You, Holland ~*