Sunday, July 28, 2013

[[ 47 ]] Respect / What You Taught

Respect your Parents And What They Taught You

Respecting your parents is about accepting who they are as people
and all the things that they have experienced. 
These people who chose to raise you, and stuck by that choice even when times were hard.
They chose to live the life they did, with the people and partners they did
because they were doing the best they could to live right and show you how to do the same. They worked hard and sacrificed for you and one another, not because you were owed it - but because that was what they chose to give.  

Respecting them is about understanding that they don't always have to see things your way, to still love you. And that sometimes their love will be firm, even angry --but it's only because they don't want to see you hurt.

Parents don't have all the answers, but that doesn't mean that their wisdom should be avoided.
Doesn't mean that they aren't right about some things. It shows that they care, even when they aren't right. They are trying to teach you the lessons of their experience.
Be patient and listen, please don't shut them out. A heart hears in words and efforts.

For parents see you as the hope for so many of their dreams and beliefs.
Please don't be mad if they don't understand your new ways or choices, be patient.
Because a parent may not ultimately be the person in life who loves you best
(They aren't your mate) 
But they are still the person who loved you first
And they will love you long after some mates have failed and fled. 

Parents have the right to love you
They paid for it in years, effort and tears and joy.
Respect this


Like any wisdom, I had to grow into this understanding.
Some of that came at the price of conflict.
Some of that came at the price of arrogance.
It took a while for me to evolve: youth can last a long time.

So can stubbornness.

What you taught me as a boy was that people should be free to love who they want.
What you taught me when I was a man was - how all the sorrows in the world are due to people choosing anger and fear over understanding.
All my life you taught me that I should be prepared to stand up for myself - as issues of prejudice and hate would play a key role in my adult life.

You were right, then.
And what you teach now... is still being determined.

I'm still your son.
I still respect your right to love me
Only ... these days, I'm forced to do so by reminding you
of what you taught me.


Click Here:  The Open Hand

Where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art.
Leonardo da Vinci

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Here's a new commercial for Kindle (the electronic tablet) which features a rather controversial punch line.
I know...I know --- repulsive isn't it?  It's sickening how these Liberals keep pushing their agenda of "diversity" on the rest of society. Its gross and nasty. And I'll say what everyone knows, down deep - it's downright immoral.

This type of NEW WORLD ORDER agenda is everywhere. Here's another commercial where a company thinks that by pandering to "political correctness" we should all have to act like this is perfectly fine... not the deviant behavior that it is.
Vulgar. This isn't acceptable. I don't see why it's so wrong to feature a traditional family.
But instead, the media constantly subjects us to attacks like this. As if this is the new cool thing.

What's worse -- is that our CHILDREN are being taught this nonsense in schools -- that you should "love everybody" and respect other people's lifestyle choices - instead of telling the truth. Watch this next video - and try not to cry at how brainwashed these kids are by the socialist agenda!
It's just sad. Conned into "Acceptance", these kids are being mislead.

This isn't about me though.
It's very clear who you should be allowed to love and marry. It's obvious.
The way it was obvious to me when I got married.

So if I saw the "charming homosexual deviants" in the fist video -- I'd love them by telling them what an abomination they are! They need to hear it! And that other "couple"... well, they're just a demonstration of people with low self-esteem, coming together with other losers. If that was my daughter - I'd disown her. That's right.
Stop talking to her and just cut her off completely. She evidently chose that --- man ... over me and the way she was raised! It was completely selfish. And did they even think about that poor little girl and the way their choices are going to ruin her life.? Of course not: this is the age of if it feels good, go for it.
So --if my daughter was going to turn her back on everything she's ever been taught.... then I'd turn my back on her.

These people act like they just want to "talk" and treat everyone with respect, when clearly - they have an agenda to make you accept their values. Where did they get that idea? I don't care if she was my kid, there's not enough "love" in this world to make me listen to that nonsense!  They can burn in hell for all I care.
They can write emails and blogs and whatever they want to do - I'm not changing. I'm not even listening.

Look... I'm not an intolerant person, I'm only talking about what's best for them.  I'm trying to help them see what's right.  But if they refuse and just want to turn their backs - if they choose their 'new age relationships' over the successes that they've seen me demonstrate all my life, then I give up. They aren't interested in working with me, or reaching out to anything that's different than what they want to hear - so why waste my time? I'm done with it. They can marry and love and sleep around like dogs if they want to... I didn't say they can't. I'm not trying to step on their rights to worship the devil and engage in all their hateful activities. But I don't have to like it.

This world is full of people like them, who don't understand the right way to have a marriage. The traditional, decent way - which is the only real path to happiness and satisfaction in this life. If these people are having a hard time being accepted, maybe they're just getting what they deserve. Maybe they should grow up and start acting like respectable, honest people.

With love,
- Mom/Dad
Nada Al-Ahdal. 11 years old. 

Yemeni law holds that girls of any age are allowed to wed, and because of that, 52 percent of girls in Yemen are guided into traditional arranged marriages before the age of 18. However, the law also states that intercourse is prohibited until the child has reached puberty, a law that is ignored by many.
In 2009, 10 year-old Nujood Ali successfully divorced after she was raped before the onset of puberty. Her case spurred action by the Supreme Council of Motherhood and Childhood, who proposed an age limit of 18 be set for marriage. 
The proposed age was knocked down to 17 when passed into law, and unfortunately, struck down completely the following day by parliamentary measures.
Most Westerners consider the idea of forced child marriage to be immoral and barbaric. 
The people of Yemen consider it to be traditional and morally correct. 
The little girl in the video chose not conform. 

Some parents would say she is wrong - and should be cast aside and demonized for her decision. Do you believe she should have the right to choose whom to love? 
Or -do you believe that she has abandoned her people's values, and should pay the price?

Because in this instance... there is a considerable chance that, like Malala Yousafzai - a bounty will be placed on this young girl's life. 
By intolerant, self-righteous religious zealots. 
Or her family. 

- C.D.

[[ Cheerios Spoofs ]]

Thursday, July 4, 2013

[[ 45 ]] WHY YOU MAD, BRO?

The opposite of anger is not calmness, it's empathy.
- Mehmet Oz 

Releasing your anger does not somehow make you calmer. That’s a myth. While it is good to discuss your feelings, what’s been shown is that anger only begets more anger.
Rage rarely resolves anything, other than allowing one side to cowl another. Hardly an optimal win.

However there are times and moments when anger is important, if not absolutely necessary. Constructive anger – which is followed by reasonable action, is a valid way of creating the changes you feel are necessary in the world. If you’re inspired by your anger to do something better, it’s healthy. If your anger comes out of compassion, not a desire to force your beliefs on others, your anger is likely reasonable and justified.
And be aware, any social movement which has succeeded was often driven by a great deal of anger;  religious freedoms, civil rights, women’s suffrage, same sex rights, etc.  

But without careful direction, anger is a flood which drowns out reason, growth and even hope. A fire which can consume health, unity and love. Who would choose to drink or pour such a poison? Especially with someone they claim to love? 

Recently, I've been thinking a lot about anger, and how to properly understand it in my own life. 
At this time and phase, here's where I stand on the subject:     

  1. Compartmentalize the fact that other people don't owe you anything. Keep your feelings separate from any true expectation of other people to behave civilly. Don’t look for them to be friends, mentors or allies. Create those relationships with the people who nurture such things. 
  2. In any dealing with angry people, expect the standards that you routinely receive when dealing with them. If they are reluctant, expect them to continue to be so. If they are reckless, expect that they will continue such behavior. This is not your concern; your duty is to be a better version of you. In any situation, that is the best thing you can contribute to a lasting solution. 
  3. You can't tell people anything. Better to communicate quietly and without conflict, as this is subversive to negative energy patterns. To be clear: sensible people argue too, but Negative Entities feed on conflict, separation and cruelty as a means of maintaining their sense of indignation. They aren't interested in mutual respect, or reasonable discourse. Expect them to avoid your interest in healing or rational empathy. 
  4. Recognize that you are not looking to 'save' everyone (saving alligators by placing them in a lifeboat full of swans becomes destructive) – you are only looking to reach out to those who are already attempting to do the same with you.
  5. Negative people are often feeling upset, misunderstood, sad and even worried. They're not inhuman; they're just misguided in how they approach those feelings. Respect and appreciate even that, for everyone is hurting in some way. Everyone. Additionally, in some belief systems it is possible that these personalities have been placed in your life so that you have an opportunity to grow. It is not unreasonable to consider that they are fulfilling their Divine directive too.  
  6. Being emotionally vulnerable to people who are emotionally irresponsible = bad policy. That's like lending your car keys to a known drunk. Even if he's your best friend, it's likely to end poorly. Conflict is a way of life, but until a party displays that they can be empathetic and responsible to those they disagree with, endeavor to negate their access to those things which are irreplaceable to you. This includes your children. Family members who choose hate over love have no right to young, susceptible minds. When they are completely wiling to disregard, vilify and act uncivilly to other people for unjustified reasons - why should they be given access to your most sacred relationships?  Bad mentoring begins at home: do not tolerate intolerant people around your kids... any more than you would tolerate rabid dogs. Each lacks empathy, and empathy is one of the most rewarding values you can promote with your child. 
  7. Take responsibility for your emotions. Keep your mouth shut about how you feel, and be diligent to not project those feelings upon others. In any conflict, stick only to the facts. They are the language of Truth... anything else is subjective bullshit that only complicates matters.

And lastly - 
      8. .... bullshit doesn't matter.  Let it go. 

The road to Forgiveness is wide, but it's path is difficult to follow and slippery to tread if you're carrying around a trunk full of junk.  Immature personalities can't let the small stuff go. They are compelled to hold on to nasty feelings even when someone is reaching out to them from across the aisle. 
Forgiveness is one of the highest demonstrations of our human capacity. Rather you're being Christ-like, walking with Buddha, trying to attain inner-peace or just being cool, do the right thing -- Reach Up

What matters is that Where Possible, create a better condition.  
When possible, help, guide, fortify and illuminate.  At all times – think things through.
And never EVER apologize for Love!  

It is your responsibility to determine how you wish to interact with every other living being, in any walk of life. 
People that love you want to see you happy with your life choices; people that love you through their agenda can't keep it together the moment you challenge their belief that they know what's best for you. If kindness, understanding, empathy and enrichment are your preferred method  - you may be met with derision, but you'll persevere; anger cannot break the heart that love compels.

I've always been a hot-headed Aries kid, so these principles... they are a work-in-progress for me. 
But I'm walking that path now. 
Still human, fallible and searching, but I'm doing my best to be more responsible with myself.

- C. D.

In a controversy, the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves. - Buddha

I fear no contemplative man who walks in the openness of a space with others. It is the man who hides away and writes his own silly dogma in a cave that society must fear. The notion that the more I pray the more I understand must cease - the spirit path is one of an infant's walk; awkward n' falling, but living. Stay babies under the great spirit and remain humble! The adult mind ruins peace always and religion sadly appeals to the adult, mind not the child in us.   - Chris Laro

We can still play together.... just means you build the moat.