Wednesday, April 3, 2013

[[ 36 ]] Marriage Fairness

So - 
About those "Family Values"....

*I don't agree with everything in this video - just most of it. 

“It takes no compromise to give people their takes no money to respect the individual. It takes no political deal to give people freedom. It takes no survey to remove repression.” 
― Harvey Milk

“If no one had ever challenged religious authority, there’d be no democracy, no public schools, women’s rights, improvements to science and medicine, evolution of slavery and no laws against child abuse or spousal abuse. 
I was afraid to challenge my religious beliefs because that was the basis of creation—mine anyway. I was afraid to question the Bible or anything in it, and when I did, that’s when I became involved with PFLAG and realized that my son was a perfectly normal human being and there was nothing for God to heal because Bobby was perfect just the way he was.” 
― Mary Griffith

“It's a false premise to say that most monogamous people have chosen monogamy. Most people belong to the religion they were raised in...because that's what's familiar. That's the milieu they grew up in, and, for better or worse, they're just continuing the pattern. 
Until this traditionalist mindset is shaken loose, you would likely try from reflex to impose notions onto non-monogamy that are not only untenable in the new context, but spell sudden and messy doom...  even in situations that otherwise could be worked out.” 
― Anthony D. RavenscroftPolyamory: Roadmaps for the Clueless and Hopeful: An Introduction on Polyamory

To the people who still don't get it - your religion regards your beliefs - therefore you should abide by them. Not others who don't share the same outlook. It's that simple.  

Then again, this isn't the first time 'family values' have been used to divide people who just want to love one another. 
Fortunately, that failed as well.... 

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