Monday, October 29, 2012


Earlier today, in closing an email to 'Rika, I attached a picture of a paper heart.
The photo is below.

Being that she is always so sweet and ready to smile, she found it charming and told me so. I seized that opportunity as a moment to express something which I believe is true.

*Its actually rather simple in design. Plain. An atypical valentine - sans all the crazy doilies and such… tradition does not suit my cut. I prefer to make it my own way. My prototype heart… not fanciful enough for Hallmark to sell. Nor something anyone could ever hope to buy.

It’s appearance is unsophisticated, and yet -- the edges aren’t curved, but instead composed of precise, straight lines. As a man’s should be.
Note that it is folded, so that one could write on the front lapels – yet reveal even more depth, within.
Multiple surfaces allow one to add to it’s Message of Love. In effect, allowing me to say More.
In fact, this arrangement exponentially multiplies the surface area of the conventional heart.
We’ll need that space in order to be sure that you - and others, have all the room you need.

And might I also suggest that it’s resemblance to a paper airplane is no mere coincidence?
Of course not, darling! Apply the proper physics and the results will be the same – it will fly.

Little Nova, please remember this equation that I will now share ---

Good Love is cleverly crafted, simple - yet ingenious.
    Customized to suit you, specifically and with great intention.
          Its design, not completely evident until fully examined.
              And when fully revealed, always found to be more full than you’d ever imagined.
I made this for you.

For... I am your Scientist.

- C.D.

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