*Mmmyeahh... no. This isn't what it's like.
I don't think it's any mystery that single people and monogamous couples have a lot of misperceptions about people like myself, who choose to be in 'poly' relationships. And why not? The media spins polyamory to look like an irresponsible buffet of sexual delights. The religious right demonizes it... even though it was fine in the Bible. And among poly-folk, relationships come in a variety of sizes and configurations.
Honestly, there's plenty to NOT understand....
Marie, Rika and I prefer a policy of polyfidelity; we are exclusive to one another. However, even though our relationship shares some relevant aspects with monogamy, the speculations about us are no less outrageous. And often.... pretty lame.
Sorry to disappoint those seeking drama and scandal, but frankly -- -we're pretty standard. We live in suburbia, have white-collar jobs and are about as far as you can get from 'hedonistic, drug-smoking, yoga-Vegan, free-love hippies'.
Although.... we do sorta' like those people! Heh.
So Rika decided she wanted to respond to some of the most frequently
There's a lot of really stupid speculations that people will make behind our backs... but to tell the truth - we get it.
We wouldn't walk up to you and ask how many times a week you have sex either.
So no worries... we ain't mad at ya.
But -- true to the poly way, we believe that most ignorance and fear can be dispelled with good communication! That, and a strong dose of common sense.
Please visit Rika's page to hear her thoughts on some of the questions that are too hot to handle and possibly NSFW. She just began a series on the topic, leading with an article delightfully titled ---
Why Poly? Couldn't you find your OWN man?
- C.D.
*** Also visit KimchiCuddles, who creates very cute and insightful comics which beautifully illustrate the joy, challenges and wonders of this thing called LOVE! kimchicuddles.com
What it really IS like... =)