Thursday, February 27, 2014



News Link:
Texas ban on gay marriage ruled unconstitutional.                                                                    
The world is changing.
And not all of those changes are bad. Anyone that tells you otherwise isn’t being honest. 
Regarding the issue of marriage rights, those whose freedoms were being unfairly repressed are finally seeing some justice. It’s about time. 

I hope that one day, the two women I love can be equally respected, protected and acknowledged as my family. The successful union of our poly-triad has brought us such joy over the past three years, and deserves the same rights by law as a traditional marriage. 
Yet the validity and commitment of our relationship isn't recognized, due to the fears held by other people. 

Life is hard enough. There are plenty of *actual* problems in the world.
Regulating love between healthy, consensual adults is like regulating sunshine to Group B based upon the personal preferences of Group A. It will never be fair, no matter how much moralistic spin people apply in their misguided attempts to control others.  
Call it what it truly is: self-serving bigotry.

Regarding multi-partner relationships: 

Check the Constitution ... the right to marry is granted to all U.S. Citizens of legal age and sound mind. Meanwhile, courts are reconsidering previous interpretations of the Constitution in regards to polygamy. Read more about that, here.

Check the history books...  human beings have engaged in multi-partner marriages since the age of recorded history. This isn't a sign of the End of Days - or Armageddon is a few thousand years behind schedule.  So please... drop that nonsense.

Check your Bibles if you must:  there's not a word in there condemning polygamy. 
In fact... quite the opposite.  See for yourself.

Years ago, churches were all fussed up about interfaith marriages. And let us not forget how vicious many Americans were, clutching Bibles as they railed against interracial coupling. Now the Religious Right has lost the war against "The Gays".  I see no reason why they wouldn't rally against plural marriages next. They have a knack for finding socially disenfranchised groups who apparently need their special gift of 'love and denouncement'. 
The rest of the country however... is slowly but surely showing a different inclination.  

- a knack toward tolerance. 
Perhaps even acceptance of others who differ from ourselves. 


So each time news like this comes out...and another state decides to honor the Constitution, we celebrate!     

My family and I are hopeful that our loving and positive life choices will no longer render us 'outlaws'. And we're not alone.   
Every day, more poly-people are coming out publicly... all over the nation. Poly families are showing up on Oprah, in magazines, and also present in a few recently released movies.  
With each announcement like the one in the link above, 
     ...with each step forward toward Fairness and Equality for All
              .....our hope that one day everyone will just love one another responsibly  
                      ~ grows. 


   “The point for me is to create relationships based on deeper and more real notions of trust. So that love becomes defined not by sexual exclusivity, but by actual respect, concern, commitment to act with kind intentions, accountability for our actions, and a desire for mutual growth.” 
― Dean Spade

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

[[ 67 ]] SAVIOUR

I know a few men that should feel this way.
I know a few men that do.

We all have our reasons. Find yours, please.
      Make it right.


BandThe Dears
Song: Savior

Monday, February 3, 2014



This past weekend was interesting:  there was a great deal of pre-game day buzz on the net about a possible False Flag incident taking place at the Superbowl. Had a lot of the conspiracy vloggers going mad, predicting everything from an alien ship landing on the 50-yard line, to a WMD event taking place. Second Coming? Not specifically, but tales of Illuminati influence ran amok in almost every telling. Colorful stuff to be sure.  Real?  Well... 

However, aside from a trouncing ...  nothing happened. Or - anything superbad was prevented from happening. Either way, there was only the game. 
Jesus stayed home and relaxed, the aliens decided to abduct cows elsewhere, and as far as everybody knows - the end of the world didn't happen. Again. 
(Unless you are a Broncos fan. In which case, please accept my apologies.) 

Disaster averted
At least until the next time, hm?  C'est bon. 

- C.D.

PROBABLE CAUSE -  How it's likely to actually go down...