Sunday, September 29, 2013

[[ 54 ]] Flash Flood for Good


Proctor and Gamble has created a chemical process by which to purify dirty, polluted water. See for yourself -- -

Actually, this isn't new technology - I'm just late to the party in finding out about it! lol!
But it's brilliant, yes?  Now... let's see it in action -

I adore  this type of thing: Science, used for good!  So I donated.
While this particular event just ended, they are still accepting donations - and future events are planned!

If you would like to help, here's the link to the Flash Flood for Good web page:

Thank you,
- Charles

And now, for some sweet SCIENCE STUFF memes!  Enjoy!  ^   ^


  ----love this!  -C.D.


...and last,

*by the way... that thing with the paper plane and the fans   

Just in case you were wondering.  =P 

And please, don't forget to donate to Flash Flood for Good if you feel so compelled! Thanks again!

Monday, September 23, 2013

[[ 53 ]] You Make Jesus Sad

So... Jehovah Witnesses secretly refer to all Christian pastors as being in league with the AntichristAre you kidding me?!

I don’t agree with all of the beliefs of my father-in-law, who is a Christian pastor…  but I definitely don’t appreciate anyone talking about him like that.
I work with a woman who is a Jehovah Witness. She’s quiet and sweet and respectful. A hard-worker and a great team player. We get along, and to a reasonable extent, we’re friends.
She’s occasionally brought copies of The Watch Tower (a J.W. marketing publication) to me for review. Note that I’ve never talked to her about what I believe. I’ve made no attempt to express to her that I’m an Atheist and why. I already know my thoughts: I wanted to be 100% open to learning about hers... so I let her proselytize to me. I know she means well, and I can love her for that. She’s genuinely trying to be a good person. That counts.

But to think that her church would demonize my father-in-law is unacceptable. He’s one of the most devout people I’ve ever met, maybe even to a fault.
Even if I don’t agree with his methods, he’s certainly not out to ‘lead people to hell'!  Not even close. 
Nor is he “being manipulated by evil spirits”. He just made a choice for himself - and disciplines his life along those lines. That’s it folks!  It’s pretty simple.  
So to anyone who would believe him to literally be evil --- you’re projecting that. 
And you couldn’t be more wrong.  

~~~ *sigh*!!             [[ What is the general belief system of a Jehovah Witness? Click here ]] 

Maybe this podcast is incorrect?  It’s just one resource I happened across… I’m always exposing myself to others in an effort to gain insight. I’ve flipped through more than a few Watch Tower magazines, and I liked a lot of what they have to say!  They’re very positive and inclusive. This is the first time I’ve heard of them demonizing others who practice their faith differently, so hearing this revelation makes me think less positively of them.
How could she ever expect me to respect her faith, if she can’t respect his?

It’s lip service for a person to say that they allow others to be themselves – if they do so by shunning and demonizing them for it. That contradiction exposes a lie. Lies are evil, right? Tools of the devil? 
The other 99% of Humanity isn’t With you or Against you…  they’re just not you
My Father-in-law loves God. He once told me face-to-face, that this is who he isAll the way. Down deep.
Just like any Jehovah Witness, the man is just being the person he believes he must be.
I wonder, if she met him….. would she still be okay with letting people desecrate his character by saying that he’s some kind of devil?  Would they actively shun and speak ill of him behind his back?  --- would her faith require that she not even get to know him, yet allow her to speak of his character as being aligned with Satan?

I don’t get it.
But I know this: shame on anyone who practices “love” through such hateful projections. 
Such nonsense has nothing with the character of this man.
You could find many things to disagree with him about, but that’s taking it too far. It’s unfair, wrong and corrupt. 

I’m going to ask my work friend if her faith really does view other Christians this way. I hope it does not. If it does – I’m afraid my Watch Tower days are done....
I’m only an Atheist because I haven’t found acceptable proof of any deity. That’s not preference – that’s about SCIENCE and REASON, not my morals or ethics.  
Plenty of people are really wonderful, decent human beings; some just have different ways of demonstrating it.    

These people are Mormon. In my limited knowledge, their faith does have some peculiar aspects to it. But you know what?  I’d be willing to learn more before concluding that thought.
If these people are any example, the way they practice their faith seem pretty cool, and I think we could be friends. I’m certainly going to watch more of their videos!

However, I've not seen anything from them yet which would convert me to Mormonism. Just as I've not seen reason nor found motivation to go shark fishing, take up golf or master the fine art of needlepoint. But any of thes things might happen.. I don't know everything, so I'm open to sharing a table with them and laughing as we discuss life. 

If you don’t at least have that much love in your own heart – why bother talking to anyone else about God’s love?

- C.D.

*Amendment:  Well, I spoke to her about it today, right after work.  
The statement about the pastors (which comes at 58min/20 seconds into the video above) is correct. 
The denouncement of Christian leaders is a Jehovah Witness doctrine.

She said that there is only one truth -- and that only Jehovah Witnesses are on that path. Therefore, all other faiths are tricks and forgery, created by the Devil. She reinforced that while there is no Hell, the Devil is very real - and uses Christian pastors to mislead people. Since these 'holy men' should know that the Jehovah's are the only religion which correctly pleases God...  my father-in-law is therefore being compelled by demons, or is intentionally doing the work of Satan.

Wow.  I had to bite my tongue. 

I asked if it's possible that he's just confused. Or -- perhaps, like her, he's observing faith in the way he was raised. She doesn't think that's the case, and even if it were - it's inexcusable. The fact that he hasn't abandoned his way in order to accept hers, LITERALLY means that he is an enemy of God.  End of story.

She had a few questions about why I don't agree and I did my best to politely stay on topic when responding. This wasn't about me picking a fight: I had asked her to explain her viewpoints, and she did so very clearly. It was right to remain respectful and not attempt to refute or disprove her. 
When we were done talking however, I closed by expressing that this way of vilifying other people, even other Christians - despite their actions, a lifetime of devoted service, or without any regard for the condition of a person's heart -- would be an insurmountable obstacle for my consideration of her faith. 
Then I thanked her genuinely for her honest response. 

As she got up to go, she directed me toward their website ( ) and let me know that tomorrow she'll bring in some more copies of the WatchTower .  

Sunday, September 15, 2013

[[ 52 ]] Quick and Positive!

Just two quick items today, both loving and positive! 

[[ ONE ]] 

The first is this new contribution..  from a rather unexpected source. 
Please check out this beautiful and moving video. 

Kudos to the Chipotle's Marketing Department! 
Not only is the song arrangement absolutely stunning, but I really appreciate the message. 

I'll admit, I'm still a 'struggling omnivore' --- trying to slowly wean myself off what I feel is a lifelong savoring of cooked meat. I don't always get it right (cheeseburgers, kryptonite --- difference?), but I'm still trying to do better! My family does what it can to eat a lot of organic, locally grown produce. We certainly believe in the cause. 

Anyhow..... brilliant ad. Fantastic delivery.

AND --- 
I'm  told that if you download the app and finish the game, there's a redeemable prize...... 

Hey Hey! 

 [[ TWO ]] And then, there's this: 

Actor Patrick Stewart (X-MEN, Star Trek, Royal Shakespeare Company, just general awesomeness by default, etc., etc) just got married! 
I'll bring this next point up, just to address head-on the thing most people first note when seeing this happy couple: the pretty bride is 38 years his junior. It's okay to notice that ... as it is admittedly a little different, but they look happy as clams together! 
See pictures, below.
The article says that the two have been dating for four years and felt that this was what they wanted to do. So - they did it. 

Yes...  it's unconventional.  Love --- It just works that way sometimes?

Be gracious and buoyant in your joy, people!  Enjoy the gift of life, time and possibilities!
Make some smiles today and some real good times tonight!!!

Congratulations Patrick and Sunny! 
Congratulations to anybody who's feeling great and being kind to themselves and others!

Joy is one of the best things you could EVER share with another living being.  =)

- C.D.



Patrick Stewart marries Sunny Ozell in ceremony officiated by 'X-Men' co-star Ian McKellen

The 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' actor will have a short honeymoon period considering he's due to perform in a pair of Broadway productions opening next month.

Make it so.
 Patrick Stewart and Sunny Ozell announce their marriage on Twitter with an appropriate portrait photo.


Patrick Stewart and Sunny Ozell announce their marriage on Twitter with an appropriate portrait photo.

“Star Trek: The Next Generation” star Patrick Stewart married his longtime girlfriend Sunny Ozell Saturday, announcing, “Yes. I’m married.” to his Twitter followers.
Ian McKellen performed the ceremony.


Ian McKellen performed the ceremony.

The 73-year-old actor’s “X-Men” co-star and fellow knight of the British Empire, Ian McKellen, officiated the ceremony.

Stewart and Ozell, pictured at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner HCA Dinner in April, have been dating since 2009.


Stewart and Ozell, pictured at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner HCA Dinner in April, have been dating since 2009.

“ I did my part,” McKellen posted on his Facebook page a day after the nuptials, along with a photo showing off his Doctor of Divinity degree.

Stewart had been dating Orzell, a 35-year-old jazz singer from Brooklyn, since 2009.
It’ll likely be a short honeymoon. Stewart is set to star with McKellen on both the Harold Pinter drama, “No Man’s Land,” and Samuel Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot,” which start previews next month at Broadway’s Cort Theater.

And in case you ever wondered just how awesome Patrick and Ian are --

View image on Twitter


Sunday, September 8, 2013

[[ 51 ]] TROLLS

Recently, I came across this advertisement for an animated film, yet to be released. Needless to say, the advert caught my attention for ... obvious reasons(?) 

So yes... the inclusion of non-traditional families was a refreshing thing, and just playfully mentioned. The movie isn't taking a fierce stance on social engineering; I very much doubt that it's about homosexual/alternative family parenting. Even if such a relationship may be present, it's not the focus of the story.

Still, I see the mere mention of  family variants as a positive thing. A lot of people don't realize that often, polite social repression merely requires that the majority minimize or ignore the lives of people whose lifestyle they don't agree with. It's just another form of cruelty and oppression. So here, it was nice to see such inclusion.

But the YouTube comments amazed me even more than the trailer...
See for yourself below. Could it be that people are finally starting to reject the bigotry and hatred of a generation past?


Y'know - some people only want to see the world as a broken, miserable place. 
But they are wrong. We can do better. 
Increasingly, intolerance is being focused on the one group that actually deserves it -- - the intolerant.

'Trolls' are generally spiteful people.  
Boxtrolls?  Seem like pretty nice neighbors, if you ask me. 

Here are the YouTube Comments -------- 

Top Comments
  • BlackStarrSoul 
    I love this trailer! :D
    I'm glad they say that families come in all shapes and sizes, it makes me so happy that not everyone is a homophobic, bigoted jackass.
     · 22 
  • goji2099 
    After the controversy regarding the Gay character in ParaNorman, LAIKA didn't back off. They doubled down.
     · 10 

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